Thursday, June 3, 2010

The word conservative doesn't hold water.

John Baynard is a big government "conservative" as is Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Giuliani, Mitt Romney, George Bush. These people have given us a most intrusive, most debt burdened, godless government. -Lance


Beth Braun said...

Look at the governor's race and how Whitman and Poizoner (deliberate misspelling) are bantying around the word Conservative like some magic charm to sway the minds of the voters. They are both vying for the title of "I'm the REAL conservative," (based on the ads coming in our mail) as if we're stupid enough to believe that one, based on their past actions. But they'll say anything to get elected, and if voters are stupid enough, they'll come under the Conservative Magic Spell that they are casting... People need to do their own research on the candidates, not just believe everything they hear.

Beth Braun said...

"Conservative" Whitman supported Prop 8 yet also supports the legality of all the same-sex marriages performed in California.
In previous political races, "conservative" Poizoner won the endorsement of the Log Cabin Republicans (the gay Republicans) and SOUGHT the endorsement of BAYMEC, a political gay activist group in the Bay Area. Equality California, a big gay activist group in CA notes his political flipflopping on the gay rights issues, affirming gay rights when convient for his campaign, like in 2004, going silent or 'conservative' when politically expedient...and don't even look into his flipflopping on his stands on abortion.
"Conservatives?" I don't fall for the smoke screen...

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