Many people come to Christ when faced with God-ordained death, whether natural or civil. Adultery is a capital crime, as is rape, witchcraft and bestiality. If a couple have sex out of wedlock, it is not a capital crime. The bride price must be paid by the man, yet they could only marry if the bride's father agreed, but he would not have the right to divorce her. Sodomy is a capital crime, God says so. But, only on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Thus, homosexuality is forced back into the bedroom, is hidden and secret. Proselytizing for a false religion is also a capital crime. Thus, deadly religions such as Islam would not be allowed. God does not give people freedom of religion. God sends people to hell for not worshiping Him.
Jesus did not abrogate the law he reinforced it. It could well be said that Jesus‘s favorite book was Deuteronomy, because he quoted from it the most.
Matthew 18:5-7 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
Matthew 5:17-19 Even with the woman caught in adultery, Christ affirmed the law at every instant. “Whoever is innocent of this sin cast the first stone,” quoting the law. A judge could not rule in a case if he were guilty of that sin. The fact that they had caught the woman “in the very act” testifies to the possibility that they did not accuse the guy, he may even have been the one who was the “witness.”
Kevin Swanson was being interviewed by Peter Boyle, losing his temper said, “You probably think that homosexuals are going to hell!”
Kevin replied, “Not if they repent of their sins and turn to God!”
Where are you getting this from Dinah, "Whoever is innocent of this sin cast the first stone"???
Dinah, the second quote is mather or is it maybe John 7:53-8:11??
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