It would be a blessing to cleanse the land of this sin, but this is not appropriate to publish names and addresses in the newspaper. These things should be tried by the civil magistrate. ~Regina
God's law is not in place here now. The best policy may be to refuse to give them preferential treatment. When they tried to glorify Sodomites at the Jamestown 400th anniv. researchers found that the two sodomites discovered were hung before the ship arrived at shore, therefore they had no foothold at Jamestown. Nothing for them to claim there. ~Esther
Uganda is a very immoral culture. Fornication and adultery is rampant, so they are picking and choosing sins to go after.
Kevin Swanson says, "Quit being embarrassed by the law of God. Don't draw lines through verses you don't like. If you are embarrassed about the word of God, just throw the whole thing into the wastebasket and call yourself an atheist."
1 comment:
So, it comes down to "all or nuthin"..... or, like Jesus said.. he who is not with Me is against Me.
Regina, I agree with this... publishing those names is tantamount to tale-bearing, or gossip. Definitely NOT the pattern Jesus lays out in Matthew 18 about "finding a brother in a fault". Restoration is always in view, not separation.
Those whose names are published are, in a very real sense, tried and convicted without the testimony of two or more witnesses, nor the opportunity to confront the accusors. Again, separation and not restoration.
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