Thursday, July 30, 2009


Some E-mail gets a lot of Attention

Last Minute Queen Grafting before Santa Cruz WCWC



discussed British Israel theology with us over dinner.
His friend Mr. Goldstein helped him transport books.
Race doesn't make points with God:

But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, "In Isaac your seed shall be called." {#Ge 21:12} That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.

Romans 9:6-8, 25-26

Since the temple was destroyed in 70 AD, there is no way to prove one's Israelite lineage.


Garage Shelving Arrived

She's proud of her brother

Refreshing the Garage

Travis & Julie
Travis Jr., Tabitha, Ashley, Julian, Noah, Naomi, Priscilla, Abigail, Andrew

Jodavid, Noah, Julian

Melody & Ashley

Dinah & Andrew




Sunday, July 26, 2009


Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” ~John Jay

“You can never do more than your duty; you should never do less.” ~Robert E. Lee

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God and keep His commandment, for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sardine Run

This takes my breath away!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

RC Sproul: What Bible translations do you most recommend?

“…the New American Standard alone earns five stars on word for word translation. But it earns no stars for beauty…the King James Bible scores points on the issue of history, and on beauty. But the anachronisms in the language are a real barrier to favorite for most circumstances is the New King James Bible. It scores high on history, without getting me confused. It scores high on beauty, without losing fidelity to the original text…The English Standard Version runs a close second for me. Then the Geneva Bible. This is how I approach the question, but it does not, to borrow a phrase, determine the boundaries of my fellowship."

R C Sproul: What is your position on divorce and remarriage?

"...The church has long held that there are two sins under which the aggrieved party is free to pursue a divorce and that in these circumstances the victim is free to remarry. Those two circumstances are adultery and in the case of an unbelieving spouse, willful desertion..."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gerhard Gustav Paul Discher

Peter was the first to hold his new brother.

Blessed Grandparents

Mama & Papa


A new life to train for Christ

Born July 17

8 pounds, 10 ounces

19 3/4 inches

Monday, July 20, 2009

Harmonica ~ Buddy Green

'Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring' by Johann Sebastian Bach.

Mozart's Piano Sonata in C, K. 545 - Allegro...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bach Under The Stars

God's Handiwork with A Perfect Lulaby

Owen David Palmquist

Owen's Preliminary MRI of brain was NORMAL

Born today via emergency C-section to Andrew & Shantel Palmquist weighing 9 lbs. 5 oz. having seizures and in critical condition transported to UC Davis where they are keeping him on a cold pad to help his brain. Baby Owen's grandparents are veteran pro-lifer counselors: Tim & Terri Palmquist.

Family Driven Faith - Voddie Baucham

We must stand boldly against the feminist agenda of our day, that is destroying the family, by undermining the father as the prophet, priest, protector and provider of the home. He is standing against the politically correct crowd of surfs.


One man can make a difference. God is looking for a man to stand in the gap. Ezekiel 22:30 "So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one."

Unconstitutional Hate Crimes Bill Passed the Senate

When the wicked bear rule, the people morn, but when the righteous rule the people rejoice. When are Christians going to stand up and be protectors and preservers of freedom for generations yet unborn? This is not their fault. This is OUR fault. Israel went into captivity, not because the Babylonians were pagan but because Israel had rejected God and His Law.


Letting the CFR Cat Out of the Bag

Please notice Hilary was introduced for her speech by Council President Richard N. Haass, Mike Huckabee’s right hand man.

Mrs. Clinton confirmed that critics of the CFR are correct, that the organization directs the U.S. government’s policies and steers our country in ways that are harmful to its survival as an independent nation. Her remarks point to CFR members, those who have long been working against the best interests of the American people.

We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Paul Overstreet - Homemaker

One of my favorite Paul Overstreet songs.

I love it when men really love their wives and see how vital she is.

Daddy has always praised Mom, saying how wonderful she is,

how she delivered him from loneliness and gave him purpose.

Mom and Dad give me the confidence that marriage is best,

and is worth preparing for.

Thank you Daddy!

Last Sunday's Joyful Baptism

Shall we gather at the River?
Teaching of the Word

Warren Mark & Warren Luke baptising Stacy


Stacy & son, Lewis
Yes, Cody Loves Jesus

Monique, Cody, Kylee

Stacy & Anthia

Baptised Today!

Monique & Frank

Frank & Aryne

Last Movie Details with Carter & Ross

Before Take-off!

Camera Men

Teeter Totter

The Right Angle



Friday, July 17, 2009

John Holdren, Obama’s Science Czar, co authored a book in 1977 on the need for forced population control in the United States.

In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that:
• Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;
• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food;
• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;
• People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e. undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.
• A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force.

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Dave Seppi 1917-2006

92 years ago today, Grandpa Seppi was born in a Utah mining camp
to an Italian immigrant family. He was 3 1/2 lbs.

Lena, Ida, Annie and Dave
Dave was much treasured by his family.
"I lived because my mother and sisters took care of me."

Regina, Gpa Dave, Gma Betty, Robin,
front: Elisa, Alex, Max and Erin
Christmas 1984

Grandpa Dave and I

Grandpa with Fama

Four Seppi Generations