Tyranny Eve.com
“Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and Your dominion
endures throughout
all generations.
The Lord is faithful
in all His words
and kind
in all His works.”
Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are His. And why one? Because He was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
He that rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of the Lord
It has legalized abortion and homosexuality, and increasingly, euthanasia.
“Cesar’s household,” in Philippians 4:22, may refer to cabinet-rank officials. Romans 16:23 mentions Erastus the chamberlain of the city.”
The early church faced the issue of lordship or sovereignty. The church's response was, "Jesus Christ is Lord" (Phil. 2:9-11), not Caesar. For Christians, theocracy must be the normal pattern of all government, because God alone is Lord or sovereign. It is basic to the madness of our time, and of all apostate history, to assert the sovereignty of man or of the state (Gen. 3:5).
Jesus ushered in the Kingdom: He said "The Kingdom of God is upon you." Luke 11:20, & Matthew 12:28 The Kingdom of God is like: yeast, a farmer sewing seed, a mustard seed that grew...
Charles Ryrie & Eugene Merrill 2/3 of the Jews are yet to be annihilated.
This is extreme racism. It was never to a race, but always to a line of faith.
Zionism is the antithesis of Biblical Christianity.
My position is that the world will be converted to Christ and the nation of
Egyptians who left with
Jean-Jacques philosophy as laid out in Emile is the foundation of modern education. Paul Johnson’s Intellectuals describes Rousseau as “An Interesting Madman.”
Born in 1712 to a “Calvinist” family in
This one man embodies the principles of the French revolution, three decades before reality hit.
His book Emile, detailed his ideology that “In short by transferring his responsibility to the state ‘I thought I was performing the act of a citizen and father and I looked on myself as a member of Plato’s Republic.”
Plato laid out that “No child shall know his father and no father shall know his child.” He believed that no man was as loving, compassionate, caring, he would never quarrel but was found to love quarreling.
He was a precursor to Marx, and believed that private property was evil, the source of social crime, and that “The poor are victims of the rich.”
Let’s see how loving, compassionate, and caring he was. He had at least three mistresses. One of his long-time live-ins, for 33 years, Therese Lavasseur gave birth to a child in the winter of 1746-47. He had the midwife take the baby to the Hopital des Enfants-trouves, “With ‘The greatest difficulty in the world’ he persuaded Therese that the baby must be abandoned ‘to save her honour.’ She obeyed with a sigh…Four other babies he had by Therese were disposed of in exactly the same manner.”
In justification for his rank cruelty “He blamed the wicked circle of godless intellectuals among whom he then moved for putting the idea of the orphanage into his innocent head. Then, to have children was an ‘inconvenience’. He could not afford it. ‘How could I achieve the tranquility of mind necessary for my work, [if] my garret were filled with domestic cares and the noise of children?’ He would have had to ‘stoop to degrading work, to all those infamous acts which fill me with such justified horror’. ‘I know full well that no father is more tender than I could have been.’ ”
“Something had to take his place, and that something was the State in the form of the orphanage.”
As Kevin Swanson recounted, “Someone asked him, ‘Jean-Jacques what did you have, boys or girls?’ ‘Oh, I forgot to check the gender.”
5% of children in the orphanage survived to adulthood, and most became beggars and vagabonds who grew up to be the French Revolutionary backbone of the violent overthrow of the Louis XVI, the Aristocracy, and the Christianity of France.
Rousseau was an aimless vagabond going from place to place without purpose. A man with out God is purposeless.
As Kevin Swanson says, “Modern man is lost and lonely, lost without Truth and lonely without relationships.”
“Until he was well into his thirties, Rousseau led a life of failure and of dependence, especially on women. He tried at least thirteen jobs, as an engraver, lackey, seminary student, musician, civil servant, farmer, tutor, cashier, music-copier, writer and private secretary.” He held the post of secretary to the Comte de Montaigu, the French ambassador to
The French revolution is a testimony to what happens to a society that drives out Christianity. The Catholics drove out the Huguenots, and later the French purged the Catholics. Christians are the foundation of culture. When you drive out the Christians your culture unravels, economically and morally, and this gave rise in 1789 to the French Revolution bloodbath when some 300,000 people were murdered. Robespierre had a plan to kill all the farmers in
Rousseau believed that society owed him, helping him meant that you were helping yourself. After staying at the Chateau of the Duc de Montmorency-Luxembourg he wrote a letter expressing that, “I will neither praise you nor thank you…the ploy worked beautifully, the Duchess replying apologetically: ‘It is not for you to thank us—it is the Marshall and I who are in your debt.’”
Rousseau believed that man was a part of the State, and his identity was with the State.
“Laws made under the authority of the General Will must, by definition, have moral authority. [Rousseau said,] ‘The people making laws for itself cannot be unjust.’ ‘The General Will is always righteous.’” In other words the voice of the people is the voice of God. The god-like State is authoritarian and also totalitarian. It is the nanny of all and friend of none. The difference between this and Christianity is that we believe God created the world and gave us His law to live by. On the other hand humanism is, “The placing of man at the center of all things, and making him the measure of all things.
“The axis of Rousseau’s ideas was the citizen as the child and the State as the parent. He insisted that the government should have complete charge of the upbringing of all children. Hence – and this is the true revolution Rousseau’s ideas brought about – he moved the political process to the center of human existence by making the legislator...into the new messiah...‘Everything,’ he wrote, ‘is at root dependent on politics.’”
He saw virtue as the product of good government.
Genesis 3:5b “You will be like God, knowing [determining] good and evil.” Instead God has written his law on our hearts. It’s not left up to the dictates of the “General Will.”
David Hume and Voltaire both called Rousseau “a monster”
The wizards that peep and mutter are the false philosophers and intellectuals that do not speak according to God's law:
“To the law and to the testimony!
If they do not speak according to this word
there is no light in them.” Isa. 8:20
1. Those so-called Intellectuals and many of these Philosophers lived immoral lives. These men want you to drop off your children at the local humanist
3. We are citizens of and find our identity in a State that replaces God. And we’re proud of it!
4. Instead of an Omniscient God we had an “omniscient” State,.
5. Karl Marx said in the Communist Manifesto said “replace Home-education with social.” But why? Because we’ve got to destroy the family.
6. Get the mothers out of the home!
In January; Victor, Melody and
For so long we have been eating the scraps from
Later that week Dinah and I were blessed to drive out with three Slavic friends. In Beorne we visited some of their friends and went to a Romanian church. Dennis translated for us. It was wonderful to meet family friends of the Chobans, who were homeschooling their children, and another family planning to when their children get older.
Before leaving for
Another sermon I gave there in May was on Rebuilding Culture, showing how the early church rebuilt culture. When the Romans abandoned their babies under the bridge of the
We had a great shock in
Lord Monckton Assaulted to the point of unconsciousness
by EuroThug Police at Copenhagen
Today Hugo Chavezblaming "global warming" on capitalism
and received a standing ovation.
Al Gore said the ocean waves would rise 20 feet. In 100 years scientists say they will rise 16” at the most.
1/3 of the ag land in the
Polar Bears are flourishing. Six died because of a storm, not related to the so-called "climate change."
31,478 scientists, ten thousand of which are PhD's, signed a petition which Ron Paul quoted in congress, stating that global warming NOT human caused and is not a valid problem
Zionism is an idea that there are two peoples of God:
His bride and His concubine.
Therefore know
that only those who
are of faith
are sons of Abraham.
Gal 3:7
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.
~I Peter 2: 9-10
For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
~Gal. 3:27-29
however, is more than the church.
It is the ground of all spheres.
Church, state, family, the vocations,
the arts and sciences, and all things else
must be governed by Biblical faith,
and every sphere has equally
the duty of faithfulness to the triune God.
"And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward."
Matthew 10: 36-42
not because they personally offend you,
these are enemies to the cross of Christ.
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes,
But the LORD weighs the hearts.
Prverbs 21:2
Sessions will take place between 9 and 10 a.m., Central Time, from January 2 through February 27, 2010. The cost for these nine sessions is $49 per man (sons may listen in with their fathers), and participants in this charter online class will receive a discount off the next.
Some topics Geoffrey will address over this nine-week period:
From Regina: Mentoring is world changing. Jesus spent three years discipling 12 men. He used these mortal men to build His church.
One of the greatest things Dad has done for us is love Mom and praise her in front of us.
If a man does not love his wife it is a picture of Christ not loving the church. That blasphemes Him before the world and especially the children in that man's home. A girl I know once said that she would rather be a mistress than a wife because she thought a mistress would be treated better. Her father is an ordained minister, but does not love or honor his wife.
Bring Your peace into our violence
Bid our hungry souls be filled
Welcome to our world
Fragile fingers sent to heal us
Tender brow prepared for thorns
Tiny heart whose blood will save us
Unto us is born. Unto us is born.
Folic acid supplementation is dangerous – especially for pregnant women
Women who take supplemental folic acid increase their breast cancer risk by 20-30%, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers collected data on women's folic acid intake from multivitamins over a 10-year period – they found that the women who took multivitamins containing folic acid were more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than those that did not. 1,2
If folic acid can have these dangerous effects, why is it included in most
multivitamins, prenatal vitamins and fortified grain products?
Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate, a member of the family of B vitamins that is involved with DNA synthesis and DNA methylation, which essentially turns genes on and off. Because of these crucial functions, folate plays important roles in fetal development and nerve tissue health as well as cancer initiation and progression.
Unlike synthetic folic acid, folate obtained from food sources – especially green vegetables – protects against breast and prostate cancer.
Spinach, raw | 843 μg |
Endive | 835 μg |
Romaine lettuce | 800 μg |
Asparagus, cooked | 750 μg |
Mustard greens, raw | 700 μg |
Collards, raw | 550 μg |
Okra, cooked | 520 μg |
Bok choy, raw | 500 μg |
Brocolli Rabe, raw | 375 μg |
Arugula, raw | 340 μg |
Artichokes, cooked | 330 μg |
Brussels sprouts, cooked | 300 μg |
Broccoli, cooked | 300 μg |
Cauliflower, raw | 225 μg |
Red leaf lettuce | 225 μg |
Celery, raw | 225 μg |
For the rest of the article and references see:
Bridesmaids used the same fabric, but
chose their own pattern and optional headcoverings.
Each carried a small lantern.
These ladies later served lasagna dinners and cake to the guests.Waiting for the Groom
Travis tells their story
Both fathers spoke graciously of the newly weds.
after the bride and groom read their vows
each had written for the other.
Rings had been exchanged at the betrothal ceremony earlier.Warm Congratulations
Finally here
Daniel has prepared a place for her.
He is ready to leave his family and begin another.
Daniel knows he has a treasure.
He understands that she will miss her family and
promises to bring her back to gather with family and friends here.
John blesses his son and daughter-in-law.
Parents of the bride and groom
Rebecca made her own dress with the help of four patterns and
The groom, a young widower and farmer, had recently landed in
John Rolfe, along with the governor, discipled Pocahontas, read to her from the Bible, and taught her to read and memorize scripture. She professed faith in Christ and was baptized, renouncing her former paganism – a demonic worship that included child sacrifice.
Their wedding, blessed by her father, brought peace between the settlers and Indians, called “the Peace of Pocahontas.”
Both bride and groom were used by God to establish a colony based on Christianity. Virginia Governor, John Smith, said that, “God made Pocahontas” and credited her with saving the settlement. “[S]he next, under God, was still the instrument to preserve this colony from death, famine and utter confusion.”
John Rolfe would save the colony economically by developing the major cash crop, tobacco. Through difficulty starting a new colony he refused to be discouraged calling
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