but Zachary & Sarah kept their destination a secret. :)

“Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and Your dominion
endures throughout
all generations.
The Lord is faithful
in all His words
and kind
in all His works.”
Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are His. And why one? Because He was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
He that rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of the Lord
To us is born this morning four live kittens.
We expected them to come on May 20,
but this is the day God called them forth.
“Aside from scientists with electrical and magnetic theory backgrounds like myself, I am one of the few parents that absolutely refuse to allow my kids to use cell phones... [There are] tentative health risks posed to children from the non-ionized radiation emitted from cell phones.” Jennifer Wilson
tire "necklace" around her neck in South Africa,
with Nelson Mandela's wife, Winnie saying,
"With our necklaces and matches
we will liberate this country."
Mr. Hammond's friend, Charl Van Wyk's book and video,
Shooting Back is one of the most beautiful
stories of grace I've heard.
Charl stopped a church massacre
by shooting back at terrorists
at a large church service.
He later went and witnessed to the terrorist
who he'd shot in prison and
later spoke before to the man's village.
Peter Hammond has been on the front lines
all over Africa for decades,
flying bibles and school materials
into the most needy areas.
He works with young men,
training them to preach the gospel.
is a strategic ministry to support.
Twenty 8 oz. fresh raw orange blossom honey bears
for $60. includes shipping.
Send your address to dneseppi@aol.com
We ship in 24 hours.
13 years ago this morning we were late to the hospital. Jodavid had already arrived.
A word to husbands and kids: when she can’t tie her shoes the baby is coming soon. As Lance says, “not two thousand years from now.”
Dear Jodavid,
Thank you for teaching me about hydraulics and motors, helping me learn about weather, for collecting our trash and laundry and driving the forklift so skillfully.
I love to hear you read at devotions. I hope you learn your math well so you can design and build equipment.
I hope you can teach my children about farming and animals and books and God's creation.
Your sister,
Regina Joy
Providences of today: Rand Paul won Kentucky Senate Primary
My 28-year-old mother gave birth to her firstborn 27 years ago. She had a difficult labor in an unsupportive hospital under the care of a doctor who said the more he cut the faster the baby will come.
I am so grateful that she did not let my birth scare her from welcoming six more wonderful siblings and six little ones who we will not meet until heaven. ~
From The Great Debate: Does God Exist? - Dr. Greg Bahnsen v. Dr. Gordon Stein
"The transcendental proof for God's existence is that without Him it is impossible to prove anything. The atheist world view is irrational and cannot consistently provide the preconditions of intelligible experience, science, logic, or morality. The atheist world view cannot allow for laws of logic, the uniformity of nature, the ability for the mind to understand the world, and moral absolutes."
"I have not found the non-Christian religions to be philosophically defensible, each of them being internally incoherent or undermining human reason and experience...
Hinduism, assumes that God, or Brahman, is the impersonal universal soul of the unchanging One of which all things are part, for instance, and because of that particular outlook Hinduism says that everything, in terms of my normal experience of the world and thinking is Maya, or illusion, because everything in experience and thinking presupposes distinctions. But that is contrary the most fundamental metaphysical fact, and that is that there are no distinctions, all is one. So basically, Hinduism tells me that all of my thinking, all of my reasoning, is illusion, and in so doing undermines reason."
"Dr. Stein, I think, is really not reflecting on the true nature of atheism and human nature when he says, "All it would take is a miracle in my very presence to believe in God." History is replete with first of all things which would be apparently miracles to people.
Now, from an atheistic or naturalistic standpoint, I will grant, in terms of the hypothesis, that that's because they were ignorant of all the calls of factors and so it appeared to be miracles. But you see that didn't make everybody into a theist. In fact, the Scriptures tells us that there were instances of people who witnessed miracles, who all the more hardened their heart, and eventually crucified the Lord of glory. They saw his miracles, that didn't change their mind.
People are not made theists by miracles. People must change their world views; their hearts must be changed. They need to be converted. That what it takes, and that's what it would take for Dr. Stein to finally believe it. If this podium rose up five feet off the ground and stayed there, Dr. Stein would eventually have in the future some naturalistic explanation because they believe things on faith, by which I mean that they believe things as which they have not proven by their senses."
This evening the Great Author Webinar Series continues with Dr. George Grant speaking about his book Killer Angel regarding the life of Margaret Sanger.
Sign up for the Great Authors Webinar Series now.
The groom, a young widower and farmer, had recently landed in
John Rolfe, along with the governor, discipled Pocahontas, read to her from the Bible, and taught her to read and memorize scripture. She professed faith in Christ and was baptized, renouncing her former paganism – a demonic worship that included child sacrifice.
Their wedding, blessed by her father, brought peace between the settlers and Indians, called “the Peace of Pocahontas.”
Both bride and groom were used by God to establish a colony based on Christianity. Virginia Governor, John Smith, said that, “God made Pocahontas” and credited her with saving the settlement. “[S]he next, under God, was still the instrument to preserve this colony from death, famine and utter confusion.”
John Rolfe would save the colony economically by developing the major cash crop, tobacco. Through difficulty starting a new colony he refused to be discouraged calling
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