The young idealists had their religious beliefs virtually demolished by Darwinism and science. Many found their cause turned to socialism.
“Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and Your dominion
endures throughout
all generations.
The Lord is faithful
in all His words
and kind
in all His works.”
Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are His. And why one? Because He was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
He that rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of the Lord
The young idealists had their religious beliefs virtually demolished by Darwinism and science. Many found their cause turned to socialism.
The groom, a young widower and farmer, had recently landed in
John Rolfe, along with the governor, discipled Pocahontas, read to her from the Bible, and taught her to read and memorize scripture. She professed faith in Christ and was baptized, renouncing her former paganism – a demonic worship that included child sacrifice.
Their wedding, blessed by her father, brought peace between the settlers and Indians, called “the Peace of Pocahontas.”
Both bride and groom were used by God to establish a colony based on Christianity. Virginia Governor, John Smith, said that, “God made Pocahontas” and credited her with saving the settlement. “[S]he next, under God, was still the instrument to preserve this colony from death, famine and utter confusion.”
John Rolfe would save the colony economically by developing the major cash crop, tobacco. Through difficulty starting a new colony he refused to be discouraged calling
Theirs is one of
1 comment:
Interesting that the original settlers of Plymouth Colony started out with a socialistic society... and, after nearly starving to death their first winter, decided to try a system of individual enterprise. That succeeded, and grew into what we have today.
Also, on reading the early history of the rest of the Americas, one learns that the missionaries, Jesuits and others, established their "missions" throughout Spanish America... based on socialism. The famed California Missions, established by the Franciscans (if memory serves aright) were all socialistic societies, as were those orders themselves. Today most of those "religious orders" survive almost completely on the contributions of others, not upon their own labours. And the indian missions? Some survive as tourist curiosities and religions shrines, but the societies that were established at those locations are all gone, having failed utterly.
It is also noteworthy that, without exception, all attempts at establishing socialism by a change in government rapidly devolve into tyrannical and intolerable societies, thence into chaos and destruction.
Yet they still champion socialism? Hmm.. is't the definition of insanity the trait of trying something, watching it fail, they trying again, and again, hoping for a different outcome? What they don't "get" is that socialism fails to take into account the depravity of post-fall man. And that won't change until man is redeemed. And once redeemed, man will never settle for socialism, as God's pattern is decidedly "other".
silly people.....
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