Every Christmas season we will hear the inevitable revisionist version of the Christmas story. Jesse Jackson was the first to turn Joseph and Mary into a "homeless couple" when he claimed that Christmas "is not about Santa Claus and ‘Jingle Bells' and fruit cake and eggnog," of which all Christians would agree, but about "a homeless couple."[1] He repeated his "homeless couple" theme at the 1992 Democratic Convention:
We hear a lot of talk about family values, even as we spurn the homeless on the street. Remember, Jesus was born to a homeless couple, outdoors in a stable, in the winter. He was the child of a single mother. When Mary said Joseph was not the father, she was abused. If she had aborted the baby, she would have been called immoral. If she had the baby, she would have been called unfit, without family values. But Mary had family values. It was Herod-the [Dan] Quayle of his day-who put no value on the family.
Jackson made a similar claim about the biblical record in 1999 when he stated that Christmas "is not about parties, for they huddled alone in the cold stable. It isn't about going into debt to buy extravagant presents; the greatest Gift was given to them although they had no money. It is about a homeless couple, finding their way in a mean time."[2]. . . .
1 comment:
Amazing, isn't it, how often we find that a thing spoken long enough, often enough, in enough different places, and with sufficient forcefulness, becomes accepted nearly universally as "truth". Ah, but we're promised there will always be left a remnant who will not bow to such lies, no matter how popular or broadly accepted.
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