The scripture commands wives to see that they respect their own husbands. God knows how He made men to need respect. God is NOT giving women a lot to be oppressed, but a ticket to honor and love as the queen of their homes.
However, scripture acknowledges tyrannical husbands. Abigail saved the lives of her household by bribing David and appealing to him. She said her husband was a fool as his name was. Abigail did not stand with Nabal in his sin. The Bible calls her a wise woman.
Abigail clearly acted against her husband's intentions. There is a place for that.
Life is so much better when there is honor both ways, but some have overreacted to feminism and swung the other direction "Obey him and God will hold him accountable." It should be balanced with what God calls wise.
Yes! I wish I were more like her!! She was wise and beautiful and extremely hospitable!
It is also significant that David had the humility and wisdom to HEAR her warnings, and later to plead with David to turn aside from his plan to take revenge.
He COULD have set his "macho" on high, and gone ahead with his plan. Instead he heard wisdom, turned aside, and gained not only a good reputation but a good Wife.
A wife can not agree to sin with her husband as in case of Ananias and Sapphira
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