Monday, April 4, 2011

Sound of the Trumpet Retreat

Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. 
Our God will fight for us." ~Neh 4:20

Many homeschooling families in our area 
gathered at a friend’s ranch over the weekend.
About 120 of the 200 people were young children. 


Paula said...

This picture made me smile : )

Ryan Ruckman said...

God bless you brother Lance. It was good to see you last week. This picture is great. God bless, bro.

Nick said...

sixty percent being young children... not bad, not bad a tall. Sounds like a great weekend. I love having lots of little kids around to spend time with. They are SO much fun...

now if the percentage was more like eighty percent children, that would be even better........

Just think... the world out there would consider twenty five percent large.... they've no idea what they're missing. Sad..