Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Queen Bee
Bee-proofing the Vent
Ready to Unload Bees in an Almond Orchard

Jodavid is driving the Forklift unloading hives to pollinate the almond orchard.

A Colony
We set bees in orchards with blossoms ready to pop open.
Melody is checking the buds on our almond trees.

Two Frames
The capped cells are brood.
They take 21 days to hatch.
Two skylights are close.
On the ridge is a place for two long vents.
We are adding screen to keep out the bees.
Jodavid took me up in the scissor lift.

Our Neighbors

My Navigator

Jd and I were up about 20 feet.

1 comment:

imhkki said...

great photos and info about bees.